College Board

The College Board are our Team, with a passion for Christian Education, that plan for the future development and success of the College. 

The College is a member of Christian Education National (CEN), an association serving the Christian movement nationally and of the Association of Independent Schools of WA (AISWA).  Board members are representatives from both the FCC Community and the wider community and each bring varying gifts and talents to their role, seeking specific expertise and support if and when required. In order to represent a broad cross-section of our Christian Community our Board is made up of no more than 50% of one Christian denomination. 

The Board appoints the Principal who is charged with the day-to-day responsibilities of leadership and management of the College.  

The Board focuses its agenda on matters of company policy, sound financial oversight, providing guidance to the Principal about the future direction of the College and developing plans towards achieving the Core Purpose whilst maintaining our distinctiveness.  

We are grateful to those who volunteer their time to be our Board Members: 

Office holders

  • Walter ten Haaf - Board Chair
  • Geoff Edwards - Treasurer

Ordinary Board members

  • Sam Nicoll

Ex-officio members

(Ex-officio means a person who is a member of the Board by right of the position they hold at the College)

  • Clinton King – Acting Principal
  • Karen Holmes - Business Manager

We encourage any parent or guardian of the College, who is a Full Member of the Association, and who is interested in contributing to serving on the Board to make enquiries at our College Office or through the Board Secretary at

Our latest Annual Report is available here.