Foundation Friends exists to provide Fun, Friendship and Fundraising opportunities at FCC
‘Building Strong Families @ Foundation Christian College’
Building strong families is important to us at Foundation Christian College. One of the key aspects in providing a Christ-centred Education is doing so in a caring community. This is something we take seriously and enjoy doing, because we know that being part of a caring community has great benefits for our students and their families. Foundation Friends is important in achieving this and it has four "arms" to help build upon our community. They are:
Friends of Prayer
The Fathering Project
Friends of Fundraising
HOPE FCC - Stands for: Helping Other Parents Enjoy FCC
HOPE parents are our class contacts and we have two for every primary class and Year 7, and for the remainder of our Secondary School we have a HOPE FCC Facebook group where Secondary parents can share information.
HOPE Parents are the link between the College and parents of their class and have two main roles: Social and Pastoral Care.
Our parents love to get together along with their children to socialise and enjoy life together and our HOPE parents can often be that link to arranging these events.
We care for our families, and HOPE contacts are our "ears to the ground" and often let us know when a family needs extra support whether it be in the form of meals, a lift to school or just a chat.
Early in 2020, Mr Owen Fox our Community Network Coordinator, was instrumental in connecting FCC with ‘The Fathering Project’.
“We joined because we wanted to contribute to the fathers and father-figures of our school, and provide enjoyable and meaningful connections with their children,” Mr Fox said.
The Fathering Project website states that they recognise that when kids have improved fathering, this can influence several positive outcomes including better school results, a reduction in substance abuse, suicide and self-harm and much more.
In 2020 we hosted an event for the entire family, a Camp Out and Movie Night. Over 25 families, that equates to over 100 people, brought their tents, swags and caravans, set up camp and enjoyed a BBQ dinner, games with Principal Mr Neville Stanway, a movie and popcorn and more games!
Earlier that year we hosted two other family events: a Games night at the College and another at Mandurah Indoor Rock Climbing.
We encourage our families to help coordinate these events so that even more can come along!
Friends of Fundraising are responsible for everything fundraising at FCC.
Over the years the team has coordinated countless numbers of sausage sizzles, bulb drives, fundraiser catalogues, College Fairs and more recently have hosted Mother's Day and Father's Day gift stalls where children can purchase gifts for these special people in their life!
Recently Foundation Friends contributed $10,000 towards the construction of the giant ship, the Son Seeker, that has been constructed in the Primary School.
Contact Mrs Amanda Chong on 0400587268 or Mrs Juli Parahi on 0405226601 if you would like to be part of this enterprising group!
Friends of Prayer meet every Wednesday of the school term from 8:45am at the College.
This group of dedicated parents spend time in fellowship and pray for the needs of families, students, the College and our Community.
Their heart is to see all families feel welcome and accepted as important members of the College family and invite you to join them any Wednesday during the school term.