By Year 3 students are well-established in the formal learning setting.
From Year 4 students participate in a Technology and Arts Rotation that covers areas such as Robotics, Design and Technology and Visual Arts, Drama and Dance.
In addition to the Technology and Arts Rotations, French is continued through to Year 6 to give students the opportunity to Learn a new language.
French lessons continue into Middle School.
Classrooms are also equipped with interactive white boards, and students from Year 3 to Year 12 are provided with a laptop. This enhances student learning and engagement through the effective use of technology in the classroom. Students also use their devices to develop their 21st Century skills such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication, while solving real world problems through creating, programming, and designing.
Learning opportunities are purposeful and appropriate to the child’s current thinking, interests and ways of learning. Activities encourage children’s autonomy, intellectual risk taking, responsibility and control of learning.
Teachers use strategies including explicit approaches with whole-class, small-group and individual encounters.
A secure and respectful environment is developed in the Primary School, with the interests of individual students being included and valued.