Our Mobile Phone Policy
We have a Mobile Phone policy relevant to Primary School, Middle School and Senior School.
Student possession and use of mobile phones and other forms of electronic devices on College grounds between 8:15am and 3:15pm are strictly prohibited.
Students are required to hand their phone in at the Library prior to the commencement of the day (from 8:15am) and collect them at the end of their school day.
If a student chooses not to follow this protocol and is found to have a mobile phone in their possession during school hours, the device will be confiscated and will need to be collected from Student Services by a parent/guardian.
Student Mobile Devices are strictly prohibited at the College, this includes on their person or in their school bag during school hours; however, parents may complete a Mobile Device Approval form for their child to bring a mobile device to school, identifying the reasons for the device, which may include:
- Safety for travel to and from the College
- Medical or Health-related concerns
If a student is found to have a mobile phone in their possession during school hours, the device will be confiscated immediately and need to be collected from the Student Services Office at the end of the College day. This will be a Level 2 Infringement and the student will be required to complete a Reflection Sheet.
*Students are not permitted to use any digital device without direct supervision from a staff member prior to the commencement of School (iPad/ Laptop for class) as they must be used within an educational context.
Students are required to hand their phone in at the Goodwill Centre prior to the commencement of the day (before the bell) and collect them at the end of the day (after the bell).
The mobile device will be kept in a named bag in the Library and a register of those with permissions are also kept in the Library.